Brian Rotsztein

With 16 years of Internet marketing experience, Brian Rotsztein brings a seasoned approach to working with clients. As the head of several well-established web design, SEO and Internet marketing companies (,,,…), he helps businesses gain a competitive advantage. An entrepreneur with integrity, he implements realistic, hype-free strategies to maximize return on investment. He holds two Master’s degrees, has taught university courses, and provides professional consulting and training services for topics such as SEO, search engine marketing, and social media for business. He’s been a WordPress fan since he started using version 1.6 (in 2005!). Twitter: @brianrotsztein

About Rick Radko

Website/app developer/designer and tech trainer. At R-Cubed Design Forge, I develop custom plugins, themes and multilingual sites and mobile apps. Ottawa WordPress Meetup organizer, WordCamp Ottawa organizer and WordCamp Canada Organizer. I have spoken frequently at WordCamps Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal.
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