Julie Harrison

As a communications strategist and freelance writer, Julie first pressed “publish” on her blog Coffee with Julie in 2009. Since then, her blog has been cited by Canadian Family magazine as one of “18 Mom Blogs We Love,” Savvy Moms’s “35 Top Mom Bloggers List,” Capital Parent Newspaper’s “Ottawa Parenting Blogs We Love,” and has been a Canadian Weblog Nominee for Parenting and Travel categories for the past three years. She is a huge fan of strong coffee and social media and you can find her on Twitter @coffeewithjulie and at www.coffeewithjulie.ca.

About Rick Radko

Website/app developer/designer and tech trainer. At R-Cubed Design Forge, I develop custom plugins, themes and multilingual sites and mobile apps. Ottawa WordPress Meetup organizer, WordCamp Ottawa organizer and WordCamp Canada Organizer. I have spoken frequently at WordCamps Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal.
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