Stéphane was a Senior Advisor for the Federal Liberal party for 4 years leading the party to radical growth in online data acquisitions and donations. He currently works for Automattic, the company behind as a VIP Engineer.
Stéphane is presenting: Making It Rain Conversions. How to get visitors to do what you want
1) Why do you like using WordPress?
I feel like WordPress is so flexible, it is able to speed up all site development while not restricting what you are able to do. It also is able to scale to tremendous sizes with little effort.
2) Why did you decide to speak at WordCamp Ottawa?
I’m really excited to talk about conversions and A/B testing. I think there is a lot of myths out there that need to be dispelt and I hope to help people with that.
3) What is the one thing you want people to walk away with from your talk?
I want people to know that changing the colour of a button probably isn’t going to help them increase their conversion rates.
4) What is your favourite WordPress plugin or theme? Why?
I feel like the wide variety of plugins is what makes WordPress so wonderful. The fact that there is a plugin for everything imaginable is what makes WordPress so great. No single plugin can rule them all, all of them combined is what makes WordPress great.