How Gutenberg shakes up our WordPress projects

You started using Gutenberg or you are not sure about taking the plunge? Then, join this panel to hear how the new WordPress editor is shaking up our projects, codebase and life as a developer and a project manager. Rather than the good and the bad, we would like to focus on what changes for us in our daily approach in an agency and invite you to make your own opinion.


Published by Michael Bontyes

As a music aficionado, I was probably listening to John Coltrane during my first experience with WordPress, 10 years ago with the version 2.7. It was a free ride for an endless web development exploration. Since then, many things changes but one remains the same: an enthusiasm to learn and discover new ways to make the web better, especially for end users and content managers. Today, I am a technical lead for a digital agency where he contributes to enthralling projects with teams in Europe, Asia, and North America. You can also find me in WordCamps, at a workshop, at the happiness bar or at the after party (of course). More than ever, I am is convinced that technology can help to bring people together and support great initiatives.

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