Workshop: Startup blogging: Using WordPress to validate a business idea, write a book and build community

This talk is designed to help current and aspiring creatives, freelancers, bloggers, remote workers, business owners and side hustlers with limited time:
• My experiences blogging before and after becoming a parent
• Tools to carve out the time and structure for a creative practice
• How I’ve used WordPress to help me validate business ideas
• The evolution of a book through regular blogging
• Share your message and cultivate a following
• Practical resources/takeaways: Attendees will use interactive prompts and activities, leaving with inspiring tips and a practical roadmap to get started on validating their business idea, writing a book and building a community


Published by amaureelynch

Writer and freelancer focused on travel, international family life, creativity and flexible work. Founder of 'Babies, Business + Breakfast', a community for parents who want to invest in themselves alongside their loved ones. As a former expat, I currently live in Ottawa with my young international family, where I advise corporates and individuals on creating child-friendly business spaces and experiences.

WordCamp Ottawa 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!